The nopal . It has been and remains a food source in Mexico. In United States, it is known as prickly pear, a type of large cactus, rich in fiber, vitamins A , B, B2, chlorophyll, protein, minerals and 17 amino acids between essential and nonessential.
Is a major source of fiber . Help in cases of constipation improving the function of the digestive tract.
Controls the symptoms of diabetes achieving satisfactory stability of blood sugar and preventing unwanted levels reach.
Is a major source of fiber and digestive natural gums that help cleaning the digestive system , the elimination of accumulated fats.
They cooked nopales with some fruit smoothies for weight loss or to treat some diseases. Like aloe, there are people who find it unpleasant mucilage, since the liquefied remains that thick consistency. Powder or dehydrated nopal cactus, are a solution to this problem.
Its main asset is the amount of soluble and insoluble fiber. There is a 30:70 ratio of soluble to insoluble fiber.
Insoluble fiber prevents and relieves constipation and hemorrhoids, helping in preventing the occurrence of colon cancer.
Soluble fiber slows the absorption of food through the digestive tract and makes these over into the blood quickly. It is also rich in calcium.
Obesity ,
Insoluble fibers containing, create a feeling of fullness, thereby lowering hunger, aiding in digestion. Vegetable proteins facilitate the mobilization in the bloodstream liquid reducing cellulite and fluid retention.
Diabetes and Hyperglycemia,
Levels and increased insulin sensitivity getting stabilize and regulate the level of blood sugar, being effective in the prevention of diabetes. There have been studies showing that nopal reduces glucose, cholesterol and triglycerides. In people with type II diabetes, but for people with type I diabetes (which does not produce insulin), consumption of nopal not replace injections it.
Cholesterol ,
T he amino acids, fiber and niacin contained in nopal prevent excess sugar in the blood preventing it from turning into fat, also metabolizes fat and fatty acids reducing cholesterol. Lipoprotein, is the leading cause of cholesterol the body should be cast as this acts on the liver stirring and removing the cholesterol your body has too much. Has amino acid and cactus fiber, including the antioxidants vitamin C and A, which prevent damage to the walls of blood vessels and the formation of platelets of fat, having a preventive power with atherosclerosis.
Antibiotic property,
Related containing crasuláceo acid metabolism, which prevents the growth of certain bacteria. <Why both consumption as the application on wounds and skin infections has beneficial effects.
Gastrointestinal disorders and digestion,
Vegetable fibers and mucilage control excess stomach acid and protect the gastrointestinal mucosa thus preventing, gastric ulcers and all sorts of conditions. The Nopal contains vitamins A, B complex, C, minerals: calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, iron and fiber lignin, cellulose, hemicellulose, pectin, and mucilage which together with the 17 amino acids help eliminate environmental toxins caused by the alcohol and cigarette smoke that inhibit the body's immune system. Also cleanses the colon due to the soluble and insoluble fibers.
Flaxseed Properties of Linseed or Flax
Nutritional Benefits of Flax
Beneficial fats
High fiber
Vital lignans
Health Benefits of Flax
Healthy heart and circulatory system
Immunological Functions
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Kidney Disease
More beneficial than you think. A flaxseed is known anticancer compounds 27, also has a preventive role and cure many degenerative diseases, also contains a substance that resembles prostaglandin, which regulates blood pressure. Its regular use soothes the skin and helps in problems like psoriasis and eczema.
The richness in alpha-linolenic acid and other unsaturated fatty acids protect the heart, preventing angina pectoris, to prevent arteriosclerosis and lower cholesterol.
Eating foods that contain these acids help prevent the onset of breast tumors and skin. We are currently studying the possibility of lignan phytoestrogens are beneficial in reducing breast cancer for their antioxidant, anti-estrogenic and anti-tumor properties.
Consumption of these seeds is beneficial for the treatment of certain gynecological disorders.
The seeds have laxative properties, can be eaten raw, mixed with water, it is advisable to take 1-3 tablespoons, twice a day 8 glasses of water a day, minimum. Unlike laxatives that irritate the intestine, the action of mucilages containing, makes it not aggressive for this part of the body.
For its emollient properties, has a protective and restorative effect of gastric and urinary membrane, used to combat gastric irritation or inflammation of the digestive or urinary system, especially suitable in diverticulitis and cystitis. It also has mucolytic properties help eliminate respiratory secretions from colds, bronchitis and other
For external use, its soothing and protective properties irritated parts are used, forming a layer that prevents the evaporation of water.
A home remedy for cataract treatment involves placing a drop of oil of this plant in the diseased eye at night for 20 days. Has also been used for the same honey based objective placed on the end of the diseased eye drop of honey for two months.
Gargling with cold infusions of flaxseed are good for sore throats.
Infusion of 10 gr. seed per liter of water can be performed douching for treating inflammation of the uterus (metritis) The same preparation can be used for rectal enemas that desinflamen
Studies of the Department of Dermatology, University of California, explained that the combination of flaxseed oil and primrose may be particularly beneficial in cases of psoriasis.
Source : wikipedia