Friday, February 13, 2015

The nopal and beauty secrets

It is a plant that grows in arid and cold areas, but no less nutritious, in fact, the nopal is a source of fiber , usually deficient in the modern diet, and contains 17 amino acids, of which 8 are essential .

For the skin, hair and face, the cactus can be a useful and natural alternative. Famous for its nutritional properties, this plant has been consumed in recent years to combat cholesterol, overweight , and controlling blood glucose levels, however, in its flesh, hides beauty secrets that can Peninsulas helpful.

Nopal care of your hair
To look more radiant and healthy hair, you can use the following recipe.


1 tender nopal
1 dash of almond oil.

In blender, collect the ingredients, and mix well. Before bathing, apply on hair and leave on for about 20 minutes.

He then proceeds to wash your hair with the products you usually use, uses warm water to remove all product.

For oily skin
If you usually notice shine on your face, or tend to oily skin, you can use the following astringent lotion made with nopal


150 ml of rose water
3 capsules of nopal

Place the rose water in a bowl, and add the contents of the capsules, stir well, and keep in an atomizer. Let the formula concentrate for about three days.

Place nightly on your face and clean. Its components are astringent, allowing facial fat balance, control acne and shine in the famous "T".

Another effective way to end the brightness and even combat acne is to use directly on your face the "baba" cactus. You must cut a bit, and take the drool pouring from its pulp, spreading gently on your skin, leave on for 10 or 15 minutes and then remove with cold water, then use a moisturizer appropriate for your oily or combination skin.

Fighting Acne
The benefits of cactus along with aloe, another plant of multiple use for the skin and natural beauty, can also serve acne, use the following mask:


1 piece of aloe
1 stalk of nopal
1 tablespoon honey
½ lemon

Blend aloe and cactus in equal parts, add honey and lemon until the mixture is smooth. Apply it on your face and allowed to act for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water to remove.

To nourish hair
The nopal can also help us to nourish hair, you just need to cut into small pieces the cactus leaves and let soak in enough water to cover overnight to loosen the famous baba, the result, use it on your hair as rinse and leave it on as long as possible before rinsing with water.

Nopal for healthy skin
The cactus contains abundant mucilage and cellulose components are emollients, which is why we can be used in a poultice on wounds, bruises and also act on irritated skin . All you have to do is chop and crush the nopal for use on poultices on the affected area.

Another way in which this vegetable can contribute to skin health is ingesting. Drinking a glass of pear juice with pineapple juice or the juice of two lemons and honey will help to detoxify and cleanse your body from within, preventing and combating acne.

Lose weight now with Nopal!

I love to recommend the cactus in diets, is a lovely plant to lose weight, because besides being rich in fiber, is very low in calories, and you can eat cactus at all hours.

In juices, salads, stews, roast is delicious! Best of all, it's easy to prepare in most of these forms.

The cactus contains 17 amino acids, of which 8 are essential. It is nutritious and rich source of fiber, which helps improve our digestion.

Cactus fiber

By consuming nopal we are ingesting fiber soluble which is effective in combating obesity and overweight, improving the intestinal traffic, and preventing the absorption of fats and even Sugars s, causing a number of metabolic effects that contribute to combat overweight.

It is estimated that the cactus fiber can trap up to 30% more fat compared to other types of fibers. This does not mean that by eating the cactus, can eat fat free, but it will help you a diet more effective .

On the other hand, fiber nopal, like most fibers, provide satiety, which favors us especially if we are to diet , we did not because we feel that feeling of overeating because we feel satisfied longer.

Other benefits

Nopal is not only a good ally for people who want to lose weight, even those who want to control cholesterol levels and blood glucose can benefit from this main floor. It also improves insulin resistance, and fatty acids protect the stomach lining and even help prevent certain cancers related to digestion.

On the other hand, the nopal is an excellent ally against constipation.


It is recommended to include cactus in our meals, as I said, in the form of salad, roast or stew itself, but we can also find dried cactus extract as supplements, capsules or powders.

Sometimes it is mixed with other fruit fiber or flax , and is also beneficial.

Nopal juice:

You can make a juice to drink in the morning with the following ingredients:

1 cup freshly squeezed orange juice
1 cup water
2 servings of nopales in pieces
3 pineapple chunks
3 pieces of celery
2 leaves of spinach or parsley
Honey (optional)

Place in blender all ingredients and blend well until all ingredients have been crushed.
Sweeten with honey (one tablespoon) if you consider necessary.
Serve and drink without strain, it is important to complete drinking, and eating cactus fiber.

Whichever option you opt for, remember that the nopal is beneficial, but have much more effective if you combine your intake with a low calorie diet and regular routine add weight to lose weight.

Nopal Recipes for diabetes, obesity and skin problems

Cactus is one of the most medicinal plant there. Besides being a great source of fiber, calcium, antioxidants, minerals and vitamins, contains elements that help maintain both the intestine and blood in good working order and good condition, plus it is one of the best natural resources to treat and prevent diabetes and hypoglycemia, because the cactus increases levels and insulin sensitivity, which makes the sugar level is balanced in the blood, preventing this from becoming bad fat and accumulate in the body, causing overweight and other health problems.

Nopal is a cactus of verd and usually colored, oval-shaped plant. It has different sizes depending on the type, and your skin is covered with thorns. It grows wild in desert regions and more temperate or cold. Has an important ecological role as it stops deforested soil degradation, ie, t ransform infertile land into fertile lands.
Here are some recipes that will help cure diabetes, hypoglycemia, skin problems and obesity. Remember it is important to avoid eating junk, refined or fried products ,, as these only cause the body is full of toxins and unnecessary fats and deteriorate more easily.

NOTE: smoothies or juices, if you find nopal, you can replace it with aloe juice with very similar properties.

Nopal Smoothie Diabetes, hypoglycemia and skin problems
It is taken fasting every other day until you see results.


A medium nopal, tiernito.
A glass of pure water
The juice of one lemon
One tablespoon of chia or flax (optional)
A little honey

1. Put everything in a blender and blend a few minutes. Drink tailless r, slowly, if necessary chew do. 
2. Once you drink this juice, do not eat anything else until pass half an hour. Drink another glass just before the meal of the day.

Nopal Smoothie against overweight

One cup of alfalfa
A medium cactus tiernito
A glass of fresh carrot juice and natural (freshly made)

1. Drink half liter of this juice a day, a glass at noon and one in the afternoon, after lunch. You must drink two liters of pure water daily to remove fats and toxins are removed promptly. Do not eat anything fried, salted or not refined or processed sugar all day.

2. Drink this juice daily until you see results.

Nopal salad to lose weight and heal skin problems

3 nopales medium Tiernitos
Tomato Fresh (red tomato)
Media onion
Two cloves of garlic
Sal, little
Extra virgin olive oil
Two juicy lemons

In a saucepan put all minced together with olive oil vegetables.
Put them to fire a few minutes, no need to cook much, just season with a little salt.
Come as a main dish for lunch.
Nopal juice to lower sugar and combat obesity

A median nopal or tiernito
A glass of water
A sprig of parsley well disinfected
One tablespoon of chia or flax

Blend all in blender and sip without strain.
Nopales Soup for diabetics or overweight

4 leaves of nopales in pieces.
½ tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
1 clove garlic guy.
2 onions, chopped finely cambra
3 cups vegetable broth.
8 sheets of clean spinach into strips.
1 teaspoon cilantro chopped.
Salt to taste.

1. Boil the nopales in a cup of water with onion, garlic, cilantro and salt. Cover the pot and simmer a few minutes. over low heat. Once cooked, drain in colander and leave them there until cool. 
2. Apart saute onion and garlic in a little oil, add the broth and cactus. Simmer 10 minutes. 
3. Grind spinach in blender with cilantro and a little broth and pour into the soup. Allow five minutes to fire. And to serve add the brown sugar cubes and chopped cilantro if desired also. Serve hot.

Nopal Cactus and Benefits for the Body

The nopal . It has been and remains a food source in Mexico. In United States, it is known as prickly pear, a type of large cactus, rich in fiber, vitamins A , B, B2, chlorophyll, protein, minerals and 17 amino acids between essential and nonessential.

Is a major source of fiber . Help in cases of constipation improving the function of the digestive tract.

Controls the symptoms of diabetes achieving satisfactory stability of blood sugar and preventing unwanted levels reach.

Is a major source of fiber and digestive natural gums that help cleaning the digestive system , the elimination of accumulated fats.

They cooked nopales with some fruit smoothies for weight loss or to treat some diseases. Like aloe, there are people who find it unpleasant mucilage, since the liquefied remains that thick consistency. Powder or dehydrated nopal cactus, are a solution to this problem.

Its main asset is the amount of soluble and insoluble fiber. There is a 30:70 ratio of soluble to insoluble fiber.

Insoluble fiber prevents and relieves constipation and hemorrhoids, helping in preventing the occurrence of colon cancer.
Soluble fiber slows the absorption of food through the digestive tract and makes these over into the blood quickly. It is also rich in calcium.
Obesity ,

Insoluble fibers containing, create a feeling of fullness, thereby lowering hunger, aiding in digestion. Vegetable proteins facilitate the mobilization in the bloodstream liquid reducing cellulite and fluid retention.

Diabetes and Hyperglycemia,

Levels and increased insulin sensitivity getting stabilize and regulate the level of blood sugar, being effective in the prevention of diabetes. There have been studies showing that nopal reduces glucose, cholesterol and triglycerides. In people with type II diabetes, but for people with type I diabetes (which does not produce insulin), consumption of nopal not replace injections it.

Cholesterol ,

T he amino acids, fiber and niacin contained in nopal prevent excess sugar in the blood preventing it from turning into fat, also metabolizes fat and fatty acids reducing cholesterol. Lipoprotein, is the leading cause of cholesterol the body should be cast as this acts on the liver stirring and removing the cholesterol your body has too much. Has amino acid and cactus fiber, including the antioxidants vitamin C and A, which prevent damage to the walls of blood vessels and the formation of platelets of fat, having a preventive power with atherosclerosis.

Antibiotic property,

Related containing crasuláceo acid metabolism, which prevents the growth of certain bacteria. <Why both consumption as the application on wounds and skin infections has beneficial effects.

Gastrointestinal disorders and digestion,

Vegetable fibers and mucilage control excess stomach acid and protect the gastrointestinal mucosa thus preventing, gastric ulcers and all sorts of conditions. The Nopal contains vitamins A, B complex, C, minerals: calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, iron and fiber lignin, cellulose, hemicellulose, pectin, and mucilage which together with the 17 amino acids help eliminate environmental toxins caused by the alcohol and cigarette smoke that inhibit the body's immune system. Also cleanses the colon due to the soluble and insoluble fibers.

Flaxseed Properties of Linseed or Flax

Nutritional Benefits of Flax

Beneficial fats 
High fiber 
Vital lignans

Health Benefits of Flax

Healthy heart and circulatory system 
Immunological Functions 
Rheumatoid Arthritis 
Kidney Disease 

  More beneficial than you think. A flaxseed is known anticancer compounds 27, also has a preventive role and cure many degenerative diseases, also contains a substance that resembles prostaglandin, which regulates blood pressure. Its regular use soothes the skin and helps in problems like psoriasis and eczema.

The richness in alpha-linolenic acid and other unsaturated fatty acids protect the heart, preventing angina pectoris, to prevent arteriosclerosis and lower cholesterol.

Eating foods that contain these acids help prevent the onset of breast tumors and skin. We are currently studying the possibility of lignan phytoestrogens are beneficial in reducing breast cancer for their antioxidant, anti-estrogenic and anti-tumor properties.

Consumption of these seeds is beneficial for the treatment of certain gynecological disorders.

The seeds have laxative properties, can be eaten raw, mixed with water, it is advisable to take 1-3 tablespoons, twice a day 8 glasses of water a day, minimum. Unlike laxatives that irritate the intestine, the action of mucilages containing, makes it not aggressive for this part of the body.

For its emollient properties, has a protective and restorative effect of gastric and urinary membrane, used to combat gastric irritation or inflammation of the digestive or urinary system, especially suitable in diverticulitis and cystitis. It also has mucolytic properties help eliminate respiratory secretions from colds, bronchitis and other

For external use, its soothing and protective properties irritated parts are used, forming a layer that prevents the evaporation of water.

A home remedy for cataract treatment involves placing a drop of oil of this plant in the diseased eye at night for 20 days. Has also been used for the same honey based objective placed on the end of the diseased eye drop of honey for two months.

Gargling with cold infusions of flaxseed are good for sore throats.

Infusion of 10 gr. seed per liter of water can be performed douching for treating inflammation of the uterus (metritis) The same preparation can be used for rectal enemas that desinflamen

Studies of the Department of Dermatology, University of California, explained that the combination of flaxseed oil and primrose may be particularly beneficial in cases of psoriasis.

Source : wikipedia

Nopalea Evaluation - Why this special juice is necessary for optimal health

Lots of fruit drinks available for purchase seeking to acquire miraculous methods of treatment. The problem is that many are simply jacked by marketing. Everyone thinks they'll have vitamin supplements for optimal health and wellness numerous drinks on the Internet continue to be marketed in their natural advantages. 

What to keep in mind is likely to be the drinks that includes substances that are hard to get on the agenda of the regular diet. Ingredients that offer health benefits that can not be found commonly consume comes from conventional fruit and vegetables. 

This product review Nopalea will discuss a product having just that! 
Exactly why is this only specific juice? 

The fruit juice is perceived as a powerful dietary supplement for men and women suffering from inflammation of the joints, swelling, pain and stiffness. 

The fruit juice is created using the extract from cactus pear. This cactus is most notably known as nopal and 

As in several other plants, their content has a number of elements such as minerals and vitamins, but is a dynamic method for rare antioxidant vitamin. 

Antioxidants help cleanse the toxins from our body that usually lead to cell destruction. 

Some other products that can be purchased to add no known components which may include fillers and preservatives. These can often trigger complications in women and men and should be avoided. 

This review article will tell you Nopalea ingredients used in fruit juices are 100% authentic and natural! 

The advantages at a glance 

Then you will realize the considerable incredible benefits that fruit juice can present. By having your important essential vitamin, nutrient and antioxidant ingredients, you can be sure that you can find many other 

The most recognized benefits include: 

Helps eliminate stiffness set 
It helps eliminate joint pain 
Help solve the intestinal tract 
Reduces discomfort throughout the body resources 
Full nutritional fiber vitamins wellness and improve mineral 

By submitting this drink to your regular diet will always ensure that a person is not going to miss out on many of the vitamins and minerals that are rarely available in normal daily diet today. 

We invite you to virtually any Nopalea Reviews and simply find that no any side effects have been observed. Purely because the components are 100% natural, the human body can easily process and absorb nutrients from the ingredients without complications. 

For best effects, it is best to stay within the guidelines that come with the product. Taking too much in one sitting, it can cause several mild side effects, such as stomach irritation or nausea. 

So there you have it! 

Now there is finally a fruit of great juice that could deliver the ultimate health. Let's forget about each fresh fruit juices and vegetable juices, nutritious ingredients of many of them is often in the regime of regular diet and you probably will not get additional health benefits. 

And often pumped full of all kinds of sugar! 

If this is the first time try a good healthy juice, I'm pretty sure he's very pleased with the excellent results. If you are not completely satisfied with the product; Trivita includes a total of 60 days refund money back guarantee 

Nopalea Wellness Challenge - in Depth View

Do you feel pain? Do you work with regularly inflammation? Inflammation itself is quite normal. But when chronic inflammation persists and frames, then you have a problem. Chronic inflammation usually leads to more severe disease and treatment is not guaranteed.

TriVita, a company that offers a wide range of supplements, created Nopalea. Nopalea is a wellness drink Nopal cactus in the desert of Sonora. Contains betalaine, a strong antioxidant that is known for its healing powers. Nopal plant is commonly eaten regularly and is part of Mexican cuisine. Health Benefits of betalaínas include increased energy, protection against fluid retention, protection against premature aging and detoxifying our body.

Chronic inflammation has been called the secret murderer due to diseases that follows. To prevent inflammation, Nopalea drink suggests that part of your daily diet. Processed in a facility-edge cool Nopal cactus is combined with naturally sweet Agave nectar to produce a wellness drinks taste better. They are juices and blended with other natural ingredients to ensure a healthy and potent mix. You can also test the benefits of Nopalea. Accept the challenge of Nopalea Wellness and check.

What is the Nopalea Wellness Challenge? How do you benefit and welfare? The challenge Nopalea wellness is for everyone to try Nopalea works. It is a 30 day challenge to make you feel the powers of health drink Nopalea. Before you begin, you should read the secret murderer health alert for how chronic inflammation can lead to serious illness and then follow these steps to take this challenge of being:

3 ounces of chilled drinking Nopalea twice daily or a total of 6 ounces per day. This is called the loading phase, which will help control inflammation in your body through detoxification process.

Fill out the form Nopalea challenge or health assessment questionnaire to track your before and after results. This form is included when you purchase your first order of Nopalea. The secret murderer health alert is also included here. It is important to monitor your progress and that sometimes the changes are not noticeable unless the results are documented.

Share your experience Nopalea to friends, family and people who feel they can benefit Nopalea drink.

Take the Nopalea Wellness Challenge is important to follow through to see and feel the results within 30 days. This will ensure the effectiveness of this powerful drink. Please remember that Nopalea not intended to diagnose, treat or cure diseases. It is important to consult your doctor first especially if you are pregnant, nursing or taking other medicines for disease.

Nopal Cactus Health Benefits and Nutrition Facts

Nopal Cactus Health Benefits and Nutrition Facts. A functional food that favors your good health and your family
The benefits of nopal
Cactus is an excellent choice for developing rich nutritious meals for the whole family. It is a functional food because besides nourishing, has properties that provide important health benefits.

Its nutritional content can be found that is high in fiber (natural source), high in calcium (a mineral that helps the growth and care of the bones), rich in amino acids and vitamins A, C, K, B2 and B6, plus it's low in calories.

Some of its features are:

In soups, appetizers, salads, casseroles, desserts; any way it is prepared, the nopales are an ingredient with rich flavor also contributes to your good health and that of your family, so ... A cactus prepare delicious!
According to multiple national and international studies, prevents and helps in the treatment of chronic degenerative diseases such as diabetes, obesity and arthritis, as well as heart disease and conditions of the digestive system such as constipation.
More than any other food, reduces and regulates sugar levels in the blood.
Regulates the digestive process controls the excessive production of gastric acid, slows the absorption of nutrients for better utilization and significantly reduces constipation and hemorrhoids problems.
Significantly reduces cholesterol levels by preventing heart problems such as heart attacks.

Nopal Cactus - Prickly Pear Cactus

Scientific name: Nopalea cochenillifera
Popular names: Prickly Pear, Urumbeta, Cactus, Cactus-of-cochineal, Cactus-without-thorns, thistle-of-cochineal, Nopal, Palma-de-fattening, sweet Palma, Palma-forage, Palm-girl, Paddling sweet
Family: Cactaceae
Category: Shrubs , Cacti and Succulents
Climate: Equatorial , Mediterranean , semi-arid , subtropical , Tropical
Source: North America , Mexico
Height: 0.9 to 1.2 meters , 1.2 to 1.8 meters , 1.8 to 2.4 meters , 2.4 meters to 3.0 , 3.0 to 3.6 meters , 3.6 to 4.7 meters
Brightness: Shadow Half , Full Sun
Life Cycle: Perennial
The Nopal Cactus - Prickly Pear Cactus is a dryland plant, that is well adapted to dry weather, as many cacti. Its stem is cylindrical and the branches are flattened, fleshy and oval articlesfittings, popularly known as "Prickly Pear" and scientifically as "Opuntia ficus-indica". This is articlesfittings which are responsible for plant photosynthesis, because the leaves are reduced to small and sparse spines absent in some varieties.

This adjustment reduces transpiration, which can withstand the lack of water longer. Its flowers appear throughout the year, but mainly from September to March, and are firm, orange color, pink or red and with numerous stamens, pink, very long.

The Nopal Cactus - Prickly Pear Cactus is a rustic plant, suitable for planting isolated or in groups, as well as in rows, making it a very defensive hedge when used specimens with thorns. Its beauty and uniqueness is evident in rock gardens. Also can be planted in large pots with the substrate covered with gravel.

Curiosity: Young articlesfittings and the fruits are marketed and consumed as a vegetable in Central America. The urumbeta is also used as food for the growth and reproduction of mealybugs suppliers of valuable red industrial dye and is also recognized as an important forage value in ruminant feeding in arid and semi-arid climates.

Should be grown in full sun or partial shade in fertile soil and very well drainable, preferably sandy. The urumbeta is tolerant to drought and low soil fertility, but thrives best and has the fastest growth when fertilized and irrigated at periodic intervals. Multiplied by cuttings of articles search and seeds.

Source : wikipedia