It is a plant that grows in arid and cold areas, but no less nutritious, in fact, the nopal is a source of fiber , usually deficient in the modern diet, and contains 17 amino acids, of which 8 are essential .
For the skin, hair and face, the cactus can be a useful and natural alternative. Famous for its nutritional properties, this plant has been consumed in recent years to combat cholesterol, overweight , and controlling blood glucose levels, however, in its flesh, hides beauty secrets that can Peninsulas helpful.
Nopal care of your hair
To look more radiant and healthy hair, you can use the following recipe.
1 tender nopal
1 dash of almond oil.
In blender, collect the ingredients, and mix well. Before bathing, apply on hair and leave on for about 20 minutes.
He then proceeds to wash your hair with the products you usually use, uses warm water to remove all product.
For oily skin
If you usually notice shine on your face, or tend to oily skin, you can use the following astringent lotion made with nopal
150 ml of rose water
3 capsules of nopal
Place the rose water in a bowl, and add the contents of the capsules, stir well, and keep in an atomizer. Let the formula concentrate for about three days.
Place nightly on your face and clean. Its components are astringent, allowing facial fat balance, control acne and shine in the famous "T".
Another effective way to end the brightness and even combat acne is to use directly on your face the "baba" cactus. You must cut a bit, and take the drool pouring from its pulp, spreading gently on your skin, leave on for 10 or 15 minutes and then remove with cold water, then use a moisturizer appropriate for your oily or combination skin.
Fighting Acne
The benefits of cactus along with aloe, another plant of multiple use for the skin and natural beauty, can also serve acne, use the following mask:
1 piece of aloe
1 stalk of nopal
1 tablespoon honey
½ lemon
Blend aloe and cactus in equal parts, add honey and lemon until the mixture is smooth. Apply it on your face and allowed to act for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water to remove.
To nourish hair
The nopal can also help us to nourish hair, you just need to cut into small pieces the cactus leaves and let soak in enough water to cover overnight to loosen the famous baba, the result, use it on your hair as rinse and leave it on as long as possible before rinsing with water.
Nopal for healthy skin
The cactus contains abundant mucilage and cellulose components are emollients, which is why we can be used in a poultice on wounds, bruises and also act on irritated skin . All you have to do is chop and crush the nopal for use on poultices on the affected area.
Another way in which this vegetable can contribute to skin health is ingesting. Drinking a glass of pear juice with pineapple juice or the juice of two lemons and honey will help to detoxify and cleanse your body from within, preventing and combating acne.