Bush flower essences created by Dr. Ian White in Australia have made to the floral therapy a refreshing and invigorating air by the prospect of therapeutic work unicist defending its creator.
Moments of mental and emotional exhaustion in people who consume a lot of energy caring for others and making decisions for them. Indicated for the caregiver or therapist exhausted. Revitalizes and brings joy. It helps not mimic other people's problems, to set limits.
Angelsword (Lobelia gibbous)
Moments of spiritual confusion, when interference is the real spiritual connection, looking for answers outside of yourself. People who believe they are spiritually "possessed". Repairs the energy field. For energy cleaning of places.
Autumn (Leaves)
It enables the person to hear, see and feel the communication that reaches it the "other side" and remain open to the spiritual guide and that communication. It helps to release old and move forward to a deeper level. In terminally ill patients when there is difficulty to pass the physical to the spiritual.
Banksia Robur (Bankssia steal)
Discouragement, despondency, frustration, depression, lack of interest in life and feeling of being trapped and sunk in a swamp, with inability to leave. Fatigue, Epstein, jet lag, circulatory problems, varicose veins, varicoceles. Brings energy, enthusiasm and enjoyment of life.
Bauhimia (Lysiphyllum cunninghamii)
Characterologically people very rigid, very little open to what is new and different. Strong resistance to change. Muscle contractures and spinal pain, vomiting, irritable bowel syndrome, atherosclerosis, mouth problems. It brings acceptance, mental openness, flexibility and acceptance of different views.
Billy Goat Plum (Planchonia Careya)
People characterized by a feeling of disgust, rejection and disgust towards sexuality or feel disgust and distaste for the physical body. They are ashamed of their physique. Especially useful in disorders of frigidity, impotence, vaginitis, venereal disease, rape trauma, skin problems (interpreting this event as an unlived sexuality). Australian Bush Flower Essences
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